Sunday, April 15, 2012

I Haz Tastykake!

Woohoo!  Look what I have to share today!  Most of my family lives in Pennsylvania, so I am familiar with Tastykakes, but they are not easy to come by when you live in Arizona.  Enter Frankie's South Philly Cheesesteaks.  I had been craving a cheesesteak for weeks, and I finally broke down and went to get one.  While I was there, I found this baby.  I have never seen the Chocolate Junior before, and I had to try one!

The Chocolate Junior is a yellow layer cake with chocolate frosting between the layers and on top.  It was very light and fluffy- much more than I expected it to be- and I enjoyed it quite a bit.  Would I buy it again?  Probably not.  It was good, but I have to admit it did not "wow" me.  I was excited to be trying a new-to-me Tastykake, and I am glad that I tried it.

Have any of you lovely readers eaten a Tastykake?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I Have Been a Naughty Girl

I went to the grocery store the other day after postponing the trip for one reason or another for a week, and I was making very smart choices.  My basket was loaded with fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, milk, and assorted staples, and I was quite proud of myself.  And then I saw it.  Once my eyes locked on that delectable cheesecake, I knew there was no turning back.
It is just BEAUTIFUL!  This is a turtle cheesecake made by The Father's Table, and it is simply divine.  After I purchased it, I realized that 50% of the profit is donated to charity, so I have been able to convince myself that I was actually doing a good thing.  After a little investigation, I discovered that they have formed The Father's Table Foundation, and they are involved in a wide range of projects throughout the world.  

Here is a close-up of my mini slice of cheesecake.  It is a plain cheesecake with mini chocolate chips, walnuts, chocolate syrup, and caramel syrup on top.  Yum!  

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Fur-babies, Part II

Hello, my darling readers!  I enjoyed posting about some of my fur-babies so much that I decided I needed to share photos of the my other ones sooner rather than later.  First up is Luke's cat Baluue.  His mom adopted Baluue from a shelter as a kitten for Luke after his cat went missing.  Baluue as a 20-plus pound feline, but she still has her kitten meow.  Whenever Luke would have her come to him, he would call out for "Kitty Baluue", and since I have a habit of shortening names, I started calling her Kibuue.  It stuck, and now that is what Luke calls her.  She became close with my cat, and Kibuue was really depressed when we lost my kitty.  She bounced back after a little while, and now she loves when Luke comes home.  She is a firm believer that he sits down just so she can curl up on his lap :D   

 Next up is the rabbit.  We didn't know what to name him at first, so we called him Frank, short for the bacterium Francisella tularensis, the causative agent of rabbit fever.  Nerdy, I know.  Needless to say, the name stuck, and I end up singing "Frank, Frank, Frank! Frank, Frank, Frank! Frank the bunny!  Frank the bunny" to the tune of "Shake Your Booty" by KC and the Sunshine Band on a regular basis.  Frank used to be a 4H bunny, and I think he was handled a little too much and too roughly by the kids.  He is very thumpy and has a strong personality.  I love that he has so much attitude, and it makes me laugh whenever he starts stomping around.    

 For those of you that might want to know, the animals all get along just fine.  In fact, Frank and Kibuue are close buddies.  I never leave them unattended when Frank is out of the cage, but it seems as though everyone knows to back off when Frank gets a little thumpy.

I hope you all enjoyed meeting my little family!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Cuteness overload

Some days I feel like the house is overflowing with fur-babies!  When the hubby and I moved in together, he brought with him 2 cats and 1 fish, and I had my own cat.  Unfortunately, my kitty passed away from cancer about a week after we got back from our honeymoon, and I was devastated.  This cat was my shadow and more affectionate than any other animal I had ever encountered.  About a month later, I stumbled across a picture of a dog online, and the next thing I know, the hubby and I are on our way to the animal shelter.  We walked around a bit, and this dog was in the last kennel we came across.  He was very shy and hung out in the back of the enclosure, and I have to admit I was a tad disappointed.  His grin won me over, but his personality did not seem to suit me.  I decided I still wanted to take him out to the pen, and as soon as he realized he was coming out, he came to life.  Now this was the dog that I wanted!  After I filled out the paperwork for him, I discovered that he had been at the shelter for 6 weeks and had already been scheduled to be put down due to overcrowding.  We couldn't take him home on adoption day because his previous owner failed to have him fixed, so I had to leave him for the weekend and get him the following Monday.  I was really excited when the hubby and I went back to the shelter that Monday afternoon to pick him up, and I think he was happy too.  All I could think of whenever I looked at his face was "Ludo, friend", so I decided to name him Ludo.  He has been with us for over 7 months now, but it feels like so much longer.  Ludo definitely has Rottweiler jaws, and destroys tennis balls in no time.

Those eyebrows are very manipulative!

This is a picture of Evil Kitty.  Luke rescued her from a shelter several years ago (before I met him), and her ear had already been chewed on by some other animal.  She is a moody character, but recently she has decided that she adores me.  She has started curling up on the couch next to me, and she likes to suckle on blankets while she is in kneading mode.  She was actually terrified of my cat and secluded herself to the front of the house.  The hubby and I have never been able to figure out why, but it is nice to see her be social again.

Keep an eye out for my next post so you can see my other fur-babies.  Until then, stay good.  Or, don't get caught!  ;)  

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