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Happy hump day! This post should have gone up yesterday, but my sick baby had other plans for me. Let's jump right in, shall we?
In yesterday's blog post, I shared swatch photos of shades from the new Dreamology Collection by Superchic Lacquer. It's an awesome collection for you holo lovers, and I am excited to share that she is releasing a second collection of thermal crellies called the Goosebumps Collection! As if that wasn't cool enough, most of the collection also glow under black light UV lighting. I have one of those shades, Rotten to the Carmeled Core, to share with you. Check it out!
In yesterday's blog post, I shared swatch photos of shades from the new Dreamology Collection by Superchic Lacquer. It's an awesome collection for you holo lovers, and I am excited to share that she is releasing a second collection of thermal crellies called the Goosebumps Collection! As if that wasn't cool enough, most of the collection also glow under black light UV lighting. I have one of those shades, Rotten to the Carmeled Core, to share with you. Check it out!
Transition state, or what my nails look like most of the time wearing thermal polishes
Warm state. I have to take photos quickly as my nails change very quickly due to the length.
Cold state. This photo shows the two cooler shades perfectly! My fingers are too warm to get a photo of the coldest darker shade fast enough.
Bright neon apple green when warm to carmel to burnt carmel when cool, deliciously loaded with green and copper glitters and shimmer
If this polish doesn't make you think of caramel apples, nothing will! This polish is scrumptiously fall, and it reminds me of strolling through our county fair in North Carolina on a cool day with a caramel apple in hand, usually with a second to take home for future enjoyment! It is such a fun polish, and I love the name! I had no application issues with this polish- it applies well, and the glitters spread nicely over the nail. I used two coats plus top coat for these photos. Unfortunately my black light flashlight ran off on me while I was swatching, probably with the assistance of my toddler, but this shade is supposed to glow under black light.
Thermochromic polishes have a limited shelf life, so to extend the thermal properties, store in a cool place away from sunlight. If you have the space, refrigeration is highly recommended.
Rotten to the Carmeled Core and the other shades from the Goosebumps Collection launch on the Superchic Lacquer Etsy shop here and on the Superchic Lacquer online boutique here today at 4PM PST. Each polish will retail for $10 a piece.
Be sure to follow Superchic Lacquer on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for shop news and announcements.
What do you think of this polish? Does it make you want a caramel apple *rightnow*? I know I do!
Until next time, dear readers, have a wonderful day!