Thursday, October 17, 2019

Halloween Giveaway over on Instagram in honor of The Daily Nail!

Blogging is a labor of love. I enjoy it immensely, but there are definitely periods of time where I need to step away, either to deal with a sick child, my own illness, or just because I need a break. As I am approaching my eight year into blogging, I have had the pleasure of meeting many of my colleagues at various tradeshows and conventions. One of my favorite bloggers is Melissa from The Daily Nail. Melissa radiates such positive energy and always has the biggest smile on her face whenever I have the pleasure of seeing her, not to mention her nail art skills are incredible! This week, Melissa is celebrating an amazing milestone: her 10 year blogaversary! The years have certainly flown by, and I wanted to do a little something in honor of The Daily Nail hitting 10 years old. Because I enjoy Melissa's nail art so much and Halloween is right around the corner, I have put together a little giveaway to help someone create easy nail art for the occasion!

This giveaway prize contains a trio of nail lacquers by Seche Premium Colour; the shades are Assertive, Seductive, and Clever. To help with the nail art portion, I've also added Spider Web Nail Stencils and the Deadly Night Water Decals, both by What's Up Nails. I cannot freehand nail art in any capacity, and stencils and water decals make creating nail art quick and easy!

There is one major catch with this giveaway- it's being held on my Instagram account right now! Be sure to head on over to enter! I want to be sure to get this to the winner in time for Halloween, so the giveaway will ending at 10pm PST this Saturday, October 19th.

I hope you head on over to enter, and be sure to visit The Daily Nail to enter her blogaversary giveaways!

Until next time, dear readers, have a wonderful evening!

Connect with me on Social Media!


  1. I'm also on my 8th year. Cheers to us. It's hard to balance everything so let me congratulate you for your 8 fruitful years. More to come

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That would be a fun combo for a Halloween mani! :)

  4. Yay and cheers to Melissa! I'm so glad I got to connect/meet her at Cosmo-Prof. Her suit had my heart all a pitter patter. I love seeing her IG outfits and food photos!! :) thanks for the opportunity!

  5. Huge congrats to Melissa! 10 years wow, that's a long time when you think about it. Most of the influencers that are popular today didnt even have channels back then.


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