For those of you that may not be familiar with precious metal clay, let me catch you up to speed. Precious metal clay (PMC) is composed of microscopic particles of precious metal, held together with an organic binder. Although the working properties are slightly different than other clays (remember, this isn't exactly a "true" clay), it can still be formed in a similar fashion. I've even heard that people have used it on a wheel- how crazy is that? Anyway, the clay is then dries, fired in a kiln or with a torch, burnished, polished and buffed. The organic binder is burned off in the firing process, leaving just the metal behind.
The husband bought me PMC+ Silver to play around with, and it was an experience to say the least. It is difficult to explain just how different it feels from normal clays, so you are just going to have to take my word on this one. I found it to be a little less forgiving than true clay bodies, but I hope with a little more experience, I'll get the hang of working with it. This was the outcome of my playing:
I really wish I took a "before" picture so I could put it next to this one. PMC+ shrinks approximately 10% when it is fired, and of course I didn't take any measurements beforehand. I was just too eager to get it fired!
I decided to make a slide-pendant instead of having a loop on top of the cactus. I don't have a current symbol to use as my signature so I just went with a "W".
I had a lot of fun with this project once I got a better feel of the clay. I was actually really discouraged with it at first, and I am glad that I stuck with it! Now what should my next project be?
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