Thursday, April 2, 2015

Paw-Some Natural Bath and Body Bath Bombs

Good afternoon, dear readers! I hope you are having a wonderful week! I have 101 projects to accomplish this upcoming weekend, and I'm looking forward to getting it all finished! One of these days I'll be able to say I'm settled in at my new house! HAHAHA!

For today's post, I wanted to share with you some bath bombs I ordered from Paw-some Natural Bath and Body. Now that my belly dweller is getting bigger, I'm definitely feeling rounder and more tired, and my body is definitely starting to hurt. I bought these so I could relax in the tub right after moving into the new house on top of being pregnant, although everyone certainly could use a little pampering from time to time! Let's check them out!
My package!
The logo is simple and cute, so I had to snap a quick photo to share.
Mermaid Bath Bomb and Oatmeal, Milk and Honey Bath Bomb

Mermaid Bath Bomb
Her center is comprised of pineapple, coconut, violet and jasmine and in reaching to her depths you will discover driftwood, sprinkled sugar and white musk.

I really enjoyed the scent of this bath bomb! It had a nice smell that makes me think of the ocean, and while the scent was definitely present, I didn't find it too  strong or overpowering. These bath bombs contain shea butter and grapeseed oil, and they left my skin feeling soft and smooth after getting out of the tub.  I wanted to get a photo of this in action, but my camera unfortunately had difficulty focusing. Bah! I tried! I will say this bath bomb was quite nice, and I definitely want to check out the other scents.

A note about the Oatmeal, Milk & Honey Bath Bomb:
Because my mother-in-law was visiting right after we moved into the new house and was instrumental in helping clean up the old one before we had to turn in our keys, I HAD to let her enjoy one of these bath bombs as she deserved a little pampering herself. She selected the Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey Bath Bomb; this was her opinion: the scent was very pleasant and warm, and she did get some good relaxation in. Her skin felt very soft to the touch after her bath.

There are other scents and products available on the Paw-Some Natural Bath and Body Etsy shop here, and I certainly want to try some more! You can also follow on Facebook here for shop news and announcements.

Until next time, dear readers, have a wonderful day!

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