Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Week 4 Mabs Drawlloween Nail Art: Bigfoot

 Greetings, dear readers! I hope this post finds you well and you enjoyed a relaxing weekend! It was a busy one around here and I felt like I was going nonstop, and yet I don't think I have much to show for it. I'm finding myself pulled in several directions right now, and as much as I am trying to do it all, I'm exhausted and overwhelmed a lot of the time lately. Part of me thinks it is silly to have nail art in my priority list when there are other more "important" things I need to do, but creating nail art, especially for my favorite holiday, helps to calm the crazy in my head. Painting is one of the few activities where I can focus entirely on the task in front of me and wow, is it nice to not have a care in the world for that short time!

I'm back with the fourth and final nail art design for the weekly #MabsDrawlloweenClub2020 challenge! The prompt for Week 4 is "Cryptid", and my mind went immediately to the beloved fury humanoid, Bigfoot! I have never encountered anything resembling Sasquatch, but I do believe his existence is entirely possible. I may have hung up my lab coat for the past several years, but science has taught me that we know so little about our planet. Healthy skepticism is still a large part of who I am, so I cannot say for certain whether or not Bigfoot actually does exist. Now the Loch Ness Monster, on the other hand, I have very set feelings after a childhood experience, but that's a story for another post. On to the Bigfoot nails!

I would have thought designing nails inspired by Bigfoot to be difficult, but this design came together immediately. I took inspiration from a Halloween painting I created last year on canvas and went with a green forest with an eerie glow.

Products used:


I adore these nails, and I love that it is something different than my usual Halloween looks. I really enjoy this challenge as it has made me come up with looks that are different for me; here's hoping I can participate in next year's challenge and create a new nail art design every three or so days!

Have you ever had Bigfoot on your nails? What design are you planning to go with for Halloween this year? I'd love to hear from you!

Until next time, dear readers, have a wonderful day!

Connect with me on Social Media!


  1. I'm just wearing black polish - that's about as creative as I get! Love the Bigfoot!

  2. I just love all the layering-- really makes the scene pop!

  3. What a unique manicure. I love the way you used these colors. Big Foot rocks.

  4. Such an awesome mani! I love it!

  5. This is a wickedly spooky mani! I love it 💕

  6. That's a different design, I've never seen anything like it! So creative!


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© Laugh, Love, Contour. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.