Good morning, dear readers! I have a "polish fail" that I wanted to share with you today. One of the colours that I really want to like but cannot seem to is yellow. I don't know what it is- I can see it on other people and think it looks good, but the colour just doesn't seem to work for me. I was really excited when I saw other bloggers post pictures of Finger Paints Lemon Sour, and I thought I finally found a yellow that would work for me. Well, I was VERY wrong. Of course I didn't think to snap a quick picture of it when I was wearing just Lemon Sour, but the colour on my nails did appear close to what I saw in the bottle. In an effort to "rescue" the colour, I decided to top it with UP Colors Carnaval. Carnaval is a red and green flakie in an ochre base, and I thought the base would help make the Lemon Sour just a little less pastel. I must report that it did just that, but I'm not thrilled with the final results. Don't get me wrong, I liked it more than the pastel Finger Paints alone, but the darker colour wasn't really winning me over either. I should also mention that it was almost impossible for me to snap a picture that showed off the flakie colours! Pictures are with two coats Finger Paints Lemon Sour plus 2 coats of UP Colors Carnaval.

In the sun. You can kind of see the colours in the corner of my left finger!
In the shade. You can definitely see the colours more here!
I guess the combination is kind of interesting, but the overall colour just was not working for me. You might be amused to hear that it did grow on me a little during the long photo shoot it took for me to capture the flakie colours!
Finger Paints can be found at your local Sally's Beauty Supply (Lemon Sour was in their spring collection so you may have a difficult time finding it), and UP Colors can be purchased at
What colours do you want to like but just don't?
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