Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Say So Long, Dry Cuticles! KBShimmer Tri-Level Cuticle Oil is To The Rescue!

 Press Sample

I have an obsession with cuticle oils. Frequent nail polish changes on top of weather changes and the extra hand washing is rough on the skin around my nails. I rely on cuticle oils and multiple applications throughout the day to help keep them from looking too ragged and dry. Technically, that area is the proximal nail fold of the eponychium and the true cuticle is the thin layer of dead cells that gets removed from the top of your nails, but proximal nail fold of the eponychium oil is a mouthful and the area is widely accepted as the cuticle. Cuticle oil, it is!

This fall, KBShimmer has launched their new Tri-Level Cuticle Oils. Available in KBShimmer's all seven of KBShimmer's scent lineup, this cuticle oil boasts three levels of moisture. Created with glycerin, grape seed oil, sweet almond oil, and mineral, this cocktail does wonders to hydrate your skin and nails

In order to properly use this cuticle oil, you'll have to shake to mix the layers together. In the photo above, I rotated the vessel twice to start the blending, but this isn't enough. You're going to want to give it a good couple of shakes so you end up with a uniform colour, but the slow blending of the layers does look pretty cool!

The Tri-Level Cuticle Oil is ready for application when it looks like this. Mine is in the scent Deep Cashmere, a warm vanilla musk blend that I love this time of year. The layers separate pretty quickly with this particular scent; depending on which one you opt to use, separation can take longer and immediate application isn't required. Pink Sugar, in particular, is a wildly popular scent at KBShimmer and it takes a while for the layers to separate out.

The cuticle oil is applied via a metal roller ball that feels slightly cool and just nice on the skin. The formula of the Tri-Level Cuticle Oils is more intense and different from the original KBShimmer Cuticle Oil formula as found in their pens and is best applied to bare skin. Skip the lotions or oil-based scrubs before using this baby!

I used WAY more cuticle oil than needed for this photo, but here you can see the size of the rollerball. I found it to be a little smaller than the rollerballs found in numerous other brands. The smaller size allows it to get into the corners of your nails just a little better. After application, simply massage into your cuticles to help with absorption. Until it is fully absorbed, it does feel slightly tacky on the skin. If you hit the point where your nails are a little sticky and there is no more absorption, you've most likely applied more than you need and can adjust accordingly with your next use.

This is a great cuticle oil to quickly get your nails in better shape, especially with the dry days starting up! Don't be fooled by the amount of oils and humectants in this blend- it absorbs really quickly into the skin. I love that I can massage a light layer into my nails and moments later hop on my computer without having to worry about transferring it on to my keyboard.

The KBShimmer Tri-Level Cuticle Oils are available in the following scents:

Barely There
Blushed Orchid
Deep Cashmere
Just Beachy
Pink Sugar
Raspberry Vanilla
Tide Me Over

Between frequent hand washing even before COVID hit and frequent nail polish changes, the original KBShimmer Cuticle Oil pens weren't quite enough for my nails. Thankfully, the new Tri-Level Cuticle Oil rollerballs have stepped up to the extra nourishing boost that I need! I'm really excited to see these join the KBShimmer brand lineup. Now if some of the other scents KBShimmer has launched in exclusive Sugar Scrubs for the Polish Pickup could make their appearance in these to add even more variety, I would be positively giddy!

Have you tried the new Tri-Level Cuticle Oils from KBShimmer? What scent would you like to apply to your nails? I'd love to hear from you!

Until next time, dear readers, have a wonderful day!

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  1. They are so pretty! I have a cuticle oil on my desk that probably needs to be pitched so I should pick up one of these from KBShimmer!

  2. ooo, I am excited to try this size out! Usually I am not a fan of the metal ball applicators but smaller might just be what was needed!

  3. I didn't realize that KBShimmer had a new type of cuticle oil. I've just started a different one from PPU but when I need a new one I'll have to remember this.

  4. I liked that the roller ball is smaller too! It appeared to get into those nooks and crannies better. :)

  5. I really need this. My cuticles are so dry and I do love a vanilla scent!

  6. I have not tried the Tri-Level Cuticle Oils from KBShimmer but they sound like they might help my dried out cuticles. I find the hand sanitizer the most drying to my hands. I would love to try the Just Beachy scent as it sounds divine and perfect for the cold snowy weather right now.

  7. Oh my, I have extremely dry cuticles, this is definitely going on my list of things I need to buy for myself!


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